Monday 31 October 2011

Halloween 2011

Kyle received a Bumblebee Plasma Cannon as a gift from his Godmother Faye about 2 Christmases ago. We also got him a Bumble bee helmet that matches it. Both items does not fit him very well that time so I guess he was not very interested about it. Kyle is now almost 6 and the Cannon and helmet now fits him perfectly. When he saw the Bumblebee costume at Walmart, he did not stop until I finally gave in and bought him one. It is a good thing that it went on sale the week before Halloween.

My youngest son Lex got his Optimus Prime costume from his Godmother Wei. I guess both Kyle and Lex liked their costumes because they have been wearing them since Friday. They only take it off when they go to the washroom hahahaha!

It was a good thing my eldest son Aloysius has a creative mind. He did not ask us to buy him a costume. He said he had something in mind and all he needed was an eye patch and a face paint or makeup. He said he will go trick or treating as his evil twin. I guess he regards himself as a very good boy and of course, the alter ego is his evil twin.

Here are some photos of the boys

Be Thankful For What You Have!

When I left the church yesterday, I felt really blessed. I have a different outlook in life. And I will do my best to stay that way. The message that was imparted to us was "be greatful to what you have". No matter how small things are, we should always thank the Lord. If we thank the Lord for even the minute things that we have, He would surely entrust us or bless us with larger things.

We should even thank the Lord for the failures that we have. We might think that this puts us down. But we never know what the Lord's intention for putting us in that situation. For all we know this things could have happened to make us stronger.

So instead of hoping or wishing for more, be contented in what has been given to you...

Saturday 22 October 2011

Fried Rice With Turmeric Powder

I have cooked fried rice with bits of meat and mixed vegetables. However, I have not tried one that is color yellow. While I was attending an orientation, I happen to sit along a lady that was eating fried rice that was coloured yellow. I told her that it looked very attractive to eat and if I could learn how to make it, maybe my kids will like to eat it too.

I was given the instruction on how to prepare it and I was told that I only needed turmeric powder to make the yellowish appearance. I went to the grocery store and got a container of turmeric powder.

I woke up early one Saturday morning and prepared breakfast for my wife and 3 kids. I did not think they all liked it very much though. But eating small servings of what I served is enough to make me feel they appreciated my effort.

Following is a photo of my version of the fried rice.

Friday 21 October 2011

Things For Sale - Slightly Used 2nd Generation Kindle Leather Case

I received this as a gift from my wife. However, It does not fit the 3rd generation kindle that I have. With her consent I am selling this to anyone who wants it.

Asking for $25.00

Item is located at Etobicoke, ON

Tuesday 18 October 2011

BlogAdvertisingStore and myLot

I migrated to Canada a couple of years ago and did not work for maybe 3 months. During this free time of mine I was lured to the idea of earning money by using the internet. There were a lot of web sites that offered these easy to earn schemes. There was “Pay Per Click”, “Pay Per Post”, “Paid to Youtube”, ‘Paid Blogs” and a lot more. I must have joined a lot of them because of the promise of earning cash easily as well as the encouraging comments and testimonies that the members have posted. To my dismay, some these web sites just disappear from thin air. Some of them have made earning so hard that you have to do a lot of things just to earn 5 cents.

I do not want to generalize. However, some people would just do anything to cheat other individuals to gain. This made some of us doubtful if these things would last because it is really too good to be true.

Now that I am employed, although I seldom go online, I still log-on and check some of the favourite sites of mine that really pays you for the work that you have done. BlogAdvertisingStore and myLot in my opinion are the real sites that are legitimate. After so many years their web sites are still operational and are continuing to reward loyal users/followers/Supporters. myLot is a compensated social web site offering discussions, news, blogs and games. You can also make new friends from around the world all while earning money. BlogAdvertisingStore on the other hand is a website where bloggers help companies find their ad through their blogs. Through the bloggers recommendations, write-ups or reviews, readers are encouraged to check out the product that is being promoted in the blog.

I sincerely hope that advertisers would discover BlogAdvertisingStore and myLot and support them as they continue to help other people earn as well.

Apple iMac

I have been dreaming of having an iMac. One reason is so that the kids can use it to play games and in their research. Another is so that I can use my laptop when I need it. They always seem to ask if they can use it the moment I turn it on. And the last reason might have been just to finally have an Apple. I have been always a PC fan. I wanted to be able to feel how it is to have something different and find out for myself it is really better than a PC. Prices of computers are continously dropping. A couple of months ago an Apple iCore 3 with a 21.5 inch monitor and 4GB of memory is being sold at $1,299 here and $1,199 in the US. Now you can get an iCore 5 for $1,199 here and abroad. I thought that I will finally be able to own one until it had to go to the back burner as we decided to use the money in something that is really important.

All is not lost. All I need to do is be more frugal and save some money for the iMac and hopefully gain support from the Financial Controller (Hahaha!)

Monday 17 October 2011

Business Web Directory Listings

I recently purchased a property. It definitely needed some work. I am in need of hard wood floors. I wanted to remove the carpet and replace it with wooden flooring so it will be easy to maintain. Being thrifty I did not go to the first store that I could find that sells these things. I opened my laptop and I started to search for the items that I wanted from the web. I used Google to look for these items. There were a lot of returned website hits. The only problem is that the list does not categorize the websites. For example when I searched for "Wooden Floors", one website will route me to a WIKI page. Some would direct me to a photo album. And some would be a real link to a store that sells a different item.

A friend of mine recommended that I go to a website that lists businesses categories. I found that to be true after I went to the web site. The web site that I am referring to is It is a very neat site. It does not drown you with a lot of flash designs which by the way just slows down your browsing. What I like about the site is that it is very simple to access. The menu is easy to navigate. The business categories that you need are on the main page and can't be missed. I was able to find the things that I need on the links that were provided by the web site when I did a search for wood floors. From the links I was able to purchase the necessary materials I need.

Other feature of the site I liked was it is a 100% SEO friendly web directory. There are no broken links and all links will redirect you to the exact business page. There will also be some relevant images description or links that everyone will find useful.

If I have a business that I would like listed. I would definitely register with them. Because unlike other business directory listings. Jasmine Directory can accommodate up to 5 links to the most accessed page of your business web site or perhaps 5 links of the pages of your business that you want to promote. The site is W3 CSS and HTML valid. There is also automatic thumb nailing of the business web site that you will register. This will make the listing appealing for the individuals that are looking for something. And because it is not Google of Chrome, you don't need to search for the entire www content. That is because everything is already laid out for you. Just click on the category you are looking for.